  • What is Council PTA?

    A council is a group of local PTA units organized under the authority of the California State PTA for the purpose of collaboration, leadership training, and coordination of the efforts of the member units.

  • The Role of Council PTA with Unit PTAs

    Councils play an important role in PTA. They provide support and assistance to PTA units within their areas and are a valuable source of guidance and information. A council provides the units within a city, county, or area an opportunity for cooperation in promoting their common interests and discussion regarding their common issues. It coordinates the work of the member units with other agencies or organizations in the area working for children and youth.

    The council is the first line of defense, support, and assistance to local units within its jurisdiction. It is one of the most important sources of guidance and information available in the chain of communication to local units, which work directly for and with the children and youth in their schools. When a PTA/PTSA unit shows signs of weakness or trouble, for whatever reason, the council is in the best position to recognize this condition and call for assistance from the First District PTA. A council, alert to the condition of each of its units, has often sent the SOS that brought knowledgeable PTA first-aid treatment to sustain and revive a faltering local unit. A great plus for the PTA structure is that there is always someone to ask for help.

    The California State PTA establishes councils in counties, cities, or other areas designated by its Board of Managers. Local PTAs within a council’s boundaries are eligible to become members of the council. Each local PTA is represented by delegates who officially represent their unit on the voting body of the council.

  • Council, District, State, and National PTA

    The council is a key communication link between the local unit and the district, state, and National PTA. It contributes to a stronger, more effective organization by providing information, inspiration, and instruction for member units. The council helps local units function effectively by giving their officers and chairmen opportunities to compare methods of work, receive suggestions on procedures, unite in common projects, and cooperate in improving the education and welfare of children and youth.

    Sometimes the big issues seem unimportant to people whose interest stops with their child and that child’s classroom. The council’s responsibility is to make the state and National PTA programs and materials known and available and their use understood and applicable in local communities. The council is the catalyst that can make people aware of the need for action and the state and National PTA provide the resources for them to use to follow through on this action. The united strength of all local PTAs is indeed a power to be reckoned with.

    In workshops and conferences, councils clarify the protective aspects of, and reasons for, the basic policies of the National PTA. They promote the use of state and National PTA publications. Councils bring the countless opportunities of the total state and National PTA program into focus for local unit use.

  • Council PTA in the Community

    A Council PTA unites the home, school, and community for the benefit of children and youth, fostering cooperation with organizations that share similar goals. Effective public relations are crucial, serving as a communication bridge between the school district, superintendents, and the community.

    When state and National PTA conventions adopt significant resolutions requiring local action, the council translates these concerns into community PTA initiatives, ensuring that resolutions are effectively implemented at the local level.

  • Council PTA and Advocacy

    The role of PTA in advocacy is vital for supporting children's education, health, and safety. Through leadership training, workshops, and conventions, the council builds local unit and public support for state and National PTA legislative actions. During legislative conferences and conventions, the council discusses issues, makes informed decisions, and sends leaders and delegates to pass resolutions. Members understand that decisions made by state and federal governments significantly impact their children in local schools. The PTA effectively represents children and youth in state capitols and Washington, DC, addressing issues beyond local control.